It’s application season again! How do you feel about it? Excited? Eager to know more? Uncertain? If you have a middle schooler, you know that there’s a lot to consider regarding applications and choosing a school. Between listing choices within your community, browsing websites, and reading brochures, you’re hoping to find a middle school that aligns with your family’s needs. Questions like, “Is this school accessible?”, “Will my preteen be safe here?”, “Will this prepare my child academically?” are just some of the things you may ask during this time.
Before you take that next step …
We know you want to make the right choice. Below, you’ll find some top things to consider when applying for a middle school in NYC.
Academic Preparation
Middle school is more than just a bridge between elementary and high school. For your preteen, this is when they’ll start to explore more challenging subjects while demonstrating their growing independence in learning.
You want a middle school that provides the right academic support, preparing your preteen for their next steps. Finding a NYC charter school that meets your child where they are — whether they’re learning English, need extra help with math, or want to shape up their public speaking skills, personalized learning takes into account your middle schooler’s unique strengths and learning styles.
What does personalized learning look like?
St HOPE’s dedicated teachers develop lesson plans that will meet your preteen’s level of learning. Your middle schooler will stay engaged while challenged to excel with our personalized approach. Our scholars also have an opportunity to prepare for high school by earning NY Regents Credits, allowing them to study at an accelerated pace! Download our Info Packet to learn more about how your child can thrive at St HOPE.
Physical and Emotional Safety
As your middle schooler starts to develop their identity, searching for an environment where they’ll feel safe will give them the confidence and motivation to thrive. You want them to flourish in their learning and have fun with friends. More importantly, you want them to feel a sense of belonging, knowing they’re accepted and valued as they are.
We prioritize middle school safety.
We know how crucial it is for families to know that their preteen is in a safe and supportive learning community. At St HOPE, we emphasize safety in our school culture by prioritizing campus security, teaching character development, and staffing counselors to keep a pulse on our scholars’ mental and emotional health.
Transportation is another top factor for families. You want to find a school close to your home with a wide range of options for your preteen to access — whether it’s through walking, taking the bus, or riding the train.
Accessibility improves your middle school experience.
Practical considerations do matter. You want your child to spend less time commuting and more time learning and thriving in their responsibilities at home and school. Living in NYC presents unique challenges in accessibility, but one great benefit is a wide range of options for public transportation.
Where Will Your Middle Schooler Succeed?
As you get close to making a decision, we hope that these considerations serve as a guide in your school search. At St HOPE, we not only want our scholars to graduate from middle school — we want to see them grow and be prepared for high school, college, and beyond.